Eclipse V2 - Remove Seized Spigot from Main Post

Eclipse V2 - Remove Seized Spigot from Main Post

How to Remove a seized Spigot from the Ecl/Aur

The first step is to fold the canopy fabric neatly removing it from in-between the arms and secure it with

the strap.

Visit this link on how to fold for long storage: 

If you completely remove the Lift Off Pin #37 in the attached parts diagram you will find behind it a small

hole. Behind this hole you will see the top of the spigot, using this lift off pin hole spray WD40 liberally
onto the top of the spigotThe WD40 will drain downwards if you leave it for a few days.

You still will not be able to turn the mast but it does help break the bond of the mast and spigot. With

the help of a second person remove the spigot bolts securing it to the ground whilst holding the umbrella
steady. Carefully with the spigot still inside the mast lean the umbrella over horizontally onto a pair of saw
horses or a sturdy table. Having a piece of cardboard can help protect the ground if you have tiles during
this step. 

The only way to finally remove the spigot is to aggressively hit the base plate with the rotation marks with

a large soft mallet. The soft mallet will prevent damage to the steel and any miss hits to the mast. I usually

place a towel or rags on the mast to protect it but the rubber of the mallet can be removed with mineral

turpentine if needed. 

I would suggest to wear gloves and safety glasses to prevent injury if the mallet breaks as this has

happened to me once. If you do choose to replace the lift off pin after spraying the WD40 make sure

you remove it again before you attempt this last step.