Aurora - Changing The Wire on Aurora/Eclipse V2

Aurora - Changing The Wire on Aurora/Eclipse V2

Changing the wire on an Aurora/Eclipse V2

For a copy of this manual, please print or download the Attachment.

If you are working on an Eclipse, open the canopy of the umbrella with the roof removed by pushing up and
locking the Slider Car Tilt Knob #20. If the winder is not working this will partially open the canopy allowing you
to detach the Top Hub #11 cover. (Not installed on the Aurora models)

Achieve this by inserting a flat head screw driver into the small grove in the Top Hub above each section of the
cover and levering them off. (This is much harder to do with the canopy closed.)

Close the canopy against the mast and use the strap to secure the umbrella. Disengage/pull out the Lift-Off Pin
#37 and lift the umbrella from the spigot and lie it down horizontally on a pair of saw horses or table.

Alternatively if using a base plate or inground, with the help of a second person holding the umbrella remove
the four bolts securing the Spigot #33. With the spigot still in the Mast #27 lean the umbrella over and place
horizontally on your saw horses.

To detach the first anchor point of wire, remove the four internal bolts in the Bottom Hub #6 to release
the Tube Locator #7. Removing the Tube Locator will reveal the end of the wire.

There are multiple approaches to replacing the wire depending on what state the umbrella is in. If you have an existing
wire that is damaged but still runs throughout the umbrella you can attach the new wire to the end of the old wire and
gently ease it through.

To prevent the wire from fraying, wrap the anchor end with two to three revolutions of sticky tape before cutting off the
ferrule/crimp. Too much may prevent the wire from passing through the various pulleys of the umbrella. Join the two ends together with a strong cloth tape or a few more revolutions of sticky tape. Gently pull and push both wires at the 
same time in sections (one obstacle at a time) to minimize the pressure on the tape join.

If your tape fails or you started with a broken wire, you may need to start from scratch. Removing the Hub Tube #9 will
help passing the wire through the small guide located inside the Hub Tube. To remove the Hub Tube you must detach the
Tube Holder #10 from the Top Hub #11 in the same way you removed the tube locator, by removing the four central bolts
but this time in the Top Hub.

There are two different ways to get the new wire through the Top Hub.
1. With one end of the new wire start from the white Main Arm pulley pictured and feed it into the side of the Top
Hub. You will need to pass it over the Top Hub Pully #13 which you can see through the small access hole in the
center of the hub. Using an allen key in the access hole help the wire turn the corner over the pulley and pass it
out via the hole in the center of the lower side of the hub.
2. If you have trouble with step #1 you can remove the top side of the hub by removing the eight bolts but secure
the arms tightly with a strap as they may fall out of their locating seats when you remove the hub half.
• If you are using a new wire that is on a continuous long reel or your tape join breaks you can insert a temporary
rope as described above then pull the wire through using the rope. 

Feed your wire end through the Tube holder, Hub Tube, Tube Locator and through a ferrule and create a tight loop to
form the anchor point. Take note if you are repairing an Eclipse to make sure the hub cover is installed as in the picture
above before applying the ferrule/crimp.

Before inserting the wire into the Main Arm #14 you have to prepare the access point in the middle of the arm. Remove
the Top Stay #18 from the Main Arm Large Strop #16. All Barrel Bolts in the umbrella have been treated with Loctite and
will need to be heated with a heat gun or hair dryer before attempting the loosen the bolts. This will soften the Loctite,
heat to a temperature that is comfortable to touch only for a few seconds.

Now push the wire down Main Arm #14 with the wire running over the Top Hub Pulley. Inside the arm there is a pulley,
the picture below is an exaggerated path the wire needs to travel past this point. The internal pulley can be tricky to pass
with the wire, I found twisting the wire at the top of the main arm can help get the wire on the correct side. If all else fails
the pulley can be disengaged by placing two allen keys either side of it through the hole to trap it before taking out the
central pivot barrel bolt. Using a hook (a modified coat hanger) pull the wire from the hole and replace the pulley if you
needed to move it out the way.

The wire will now need to travel through the Top Stay, it is easiest to remove it from the Top Bracket #22 to give yourself
better access to it. Be careful not to lose the pulleys inside each end when you remove the Barrel Bolts, scoop them out
and set them aside. The wire will need to travel in a “S” shape over the pulleys inside the Top Stay on the Large Stop end
as pictured bellow. Push the wire up the Top Stay, it may get stuck on the plastic end cap. Use a hook or you may be able
to remove the plastic insert, sometimes they slip out easily. If you have trouble turn the stay vertically and drop the wire
downwards. Once through pull out some excess wire and reassemble the top stay and internal pulleys taking note of the
wire path and making sure if repairing an eclipse to replace the pivoting discs.

You will now need to reveal the anchor point on the other end. To do this heat and remove the four bolts surrounding the
handle hole on both sides. These hold the Internal Winder Unit #32 to the mast in the Eclipse. For the Aurora, please see
a separate guide “Removing the internal gear of an Eclipse version 1 or Aurora” There is also an online video for the
removal of the Internal Winder Unit for the Eclipse named:
Some of the fittings and steps have changed for Eclipses made after its production but the overall process is similar.

You will need to detach the old wire and pull / wind out the full length of the rope from the drum. Using a long pole like a
broom handle push the Swivel Pulleys #26 back up the Mast and place the Drum in the bottom end of the mast. (If repairing
an Aurora pay close attention to the placement instructions) You will now need to hook the Swivel pulleys and drag the
Drum up towards the top of the mast in order to attach the new wire. Tape your hook you were using earlier to the end
of your pole to help you do this.

With the Swivel pulleys and Winder Cord #29 located at the top of the mast you will be able to measure and attach the
new wire.
Push your new wire that is emerging from the Top Stay through the hole in the mast, around the Mast Wall Pulley #24
then down into the mast. Grab the wire and pull it back up and out of the mast as pictured.

At this point you may need to correct the wire length, make sure you have completed all previous steps and anchored and
installed the Tube locator back to its original position attached to the Bottom Hub. Fully close and push the assembled
canopy towards the mast, this will help determining the wire at its longest length. Remove excess wire slack not by pulling
on the end but pushing down on the wire into the mast from the Mast Wall Pulley. Lightly pull the protruding end of wire
and measure 200mm from the top of the mast and place a mark as pictured below.

Wrap the marked position with sticky tape and cut the wire. Using the original or a new thimble / loop create a loop as
pictured. Alternatively depending on the age of your umbrella loop the wire around the swivel pulley if you have an older
model. Push the connection and Winder Drum back down the mast and secure it using the required method determined
by the model you are repairing.

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