Paraflex - Arm Cast Bracket Replacement

Paraflex - Arm Cast Bracket Replacement

Paraflex Arm Cast Bracket Replacement Instructions

To replace the cast bracket for a new stainless version, first start by laying Paraflex arm on a pair of saw
horses or a table, then remove the handle and white spacer.

Gently push or knock out the threaded bolt from the top then insert the supplied removal tool into the
hole. If you slide the tool downwards at an angle, you will feel a slight pop, this means the tool has engaged
the bottom white plastic cylinder, you can now gently tap the top of the tool with a hammer to release the
cylinder. Turn the arm over and remove the second cylinder but be aware that all the parts will become
loose so proceed slowly.

You will be left with the parts pictured below with your slightly different new bracket on the right. You can
reuse the plastic cylinders if they are not damaged but if you intend to use the supplied ones you will
need to extract the small spacer inside the hexagon shape of the bottom cylinder and place it into the new
cylinder. This can be achieved by working it out with the long bolt and or the removal tool. 

Have a close look at the parts and you will notice on the plastic cylinders there is a square shape about 3/4 of 
the way down. When the arm is assembled this shape will fit into the square shape of the round spacer
plates. If not correctly positioned you can damage the cylinder but continue to read to find how to install
them correctly. 

You can start reassembling by first inserting the round shaped steel spacers into the slots found in the
body of the bracket. Take note of the hole found on one side of the bracket, this indicates the bottom or
the side closest to the ground.

With the hole in the bracket located look for the "Umbrosa" sticker on the arm to confirm the pieces are
the correct way around. Slide the bracket onto the arm and look closely down the hole to line up the
square shape of the top round spacer plate with the edge of the end of the arm, they should be parallel to
each other.

Insert one of the plastic cylinders by using the number 8 as a guide. Position the side of the hexagon shape
with the 8 above it so it is parallel with the edge of the arm as shown below. This will line up the square
shape of the round plate and the one found on the cylinder. If you make a mistake use the removal tool
and start again before you knock the cylinder in with a soft hammer or mallet to protect the finish. Turn
the arm over and use the same technique to install the second cylinder. You can now insert the long
threaded bolt through the hole with the head of the bolt sitting in the hexagon shape of the plastic
cylinder. The head of the bolt will be on the top side, confirmed by the sticker on the arm.

Now insert the small plastic spacer tapered side down over the end of the bolt and then screw down the
small handle to finish. 

The bracket has a slight upward taper when installed on the wall, this compensates for the weight of the 
canopy. If you find the Paraflex is at a strange downward angle you have installed the bracket upside-down
and will need to retrace your steps.