Replacing the wire in an Eclipse V1 Umbrella
This manual should be used in conjunction with the "Parts diagram and list".
Step 1.
- Remove canopy from umbrella and store in a clean place.
- Lift umbrella off of spigot while pulling the "lift off pin" #37.
- Lay umbrella on it's side on a clean, scratch-free surface.
- Use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove "mast cap". Keep small screw in a safe place.
- Use Phillips head screwdriver and a crescent to separate the "P" Fitting" from the mast.
Step 2.
- After the wire has been separated from the mast, pull the wire completely out of the mast. (If the wire doesn't come out it is either pinched in something. Alternatively the wire is not broken; therefore it is still connected to the other end of the umbrella.)
- Use something thin like a knife or a craft knife to remove the sticker from the "bottom hub"
- Use a 5mm Allen key to remove the four bolts found under the sticker.
- Separate the "tube locater" from the "bottom hub". Pull wire completely out of the umbrella. Put "tube locater" to the side.
Step 3.
a. Use a 5mm Allen key to remove ‘winder housing unit’
b. Use a flathead screwdriver to remove the black button on the other side of the mast.
c. Use a 4mm Allen key to Remove the bolt from the gear shaft.
d. The gear shaft should slide out of the mast, be careful when you remove the bolt as it
might fall out.
e. Use the flat head screw driver to remove the bronze plug.
f. Use your fingers or long nose pliers to pull the pulley out of the mast. If you cannot
reach the pulley, you can use a long pole to push the ‘winder drum’ from the bottom of
the mast to the top, which will push the pulley out the top of the mast.
Step 4
a. Use two 4mm Allen keys to remove the barrel bolt that connects the ‘main arm’ and ‘slider
b. After removing the bolt on one side, you can insert the long end of the Allen key into the
barrel bolt and gently tap the end of the Allen key to help the Barrel bolt come out.
c. A black pulley will come out of the ‘large end-fitting’ and the two black washers on the sides
of the arms will be loose, store these parts somewhere safe.
Step 5
a. Use a 5mm drill piece to drill out the four rivets that fix the ‘Large end-fitting’ to the main
b. Slide the ‘large end-fitting’ out of the main arm. If it is wedged in tightly you may need to
wedge it out with a flathead screw driver or use a hammer to tap it out.
Step 6
- Use a 5mm Allen key to remove all 12 bolts from the "top hub"
- Use a flathead screwdriver to wedge the hub open. Be careful not to lose the bolts or nuts while you separate the two parts of the hub.
- Remove the pulley and pin from the hub and put somewhere safe.
- Remove the "tube holder" and "hub tube".

Step 7
a. You will need a spool of 3mm wire rope approximately 5.6m long. However I use a spool and
cut the wire to length at the end of the process.
b. Feed the wire through the ‘tube locater’.
c. Use a Phillips screw driver to remove the screw in the ‘hub tube’.
d. Use a long skinny object to push the ‘cord guide plug’ out of the ‘hub tube’.
e. Feed the wire through the ‘cord guide plug’
f. Feed the wire through the ‘Hub tube’ & ‘ Tube holder’
Step 8
a. Feed the wire through the small hole in the Top hub, from the bottom through to the top.
b. Feed the wire down the ‘main arm’ on the side of the pulley closest to the mast.
c. Push the wire untill it hangs out of the other end of the main arm, by over one metre.
d. Put the pulley and pulley pin back into the slot in the centre of the hub.
e. Rejoin the ‘hub tube’ & ‘tube holder’ to the top hub. Reinsert the ‘cord guide plug’.
f. Use a 5mm Allen key to rejoin the two halves of the ‘top hub’.

Step 9
a. Feed the wire through the ‘large end-fitting’
b. Use four stainless steel rivets 4.7mm wide by 16mm long (or something around that size) to
rivet the fitting to the arm.
Step 10
a. Bend the wire so it is curved (curve more than in the image if needed) and feed it into the
slider car. you want the wire to curve towards the top of the mast, as opposed to the
bottom of the mast. The wire must go into a pulley and then curl upwards. it can be tricky,
but with a bit of persistence you can get the wire through.
b. Reinsert the pulley into the "large end-fitting" so the wire goes clockwise around the pulley
and insert the two plastic washers onto the sides.
Step 11
a. Line up the hole and reinsert the barrel bolt into the slot. You need to make sure that the
barrel bolt passes through the pulley, you may need to align the pulley by inserting an allen
key into the bottom of the hole to guide the barrell bolt in.
b. Feed the wire up the mast, and pass it through the holes in the two black plastic parts in the
mast cavity. This is important to remember.
c. Feed the wire around the pulley at the top of the mast.
Step 12
a. Feed the wire through the empty pulley that is hanging out of the top of the mast.
b. Slide a crimp up the wire and then feed the wire around the wire thimble and back into the
crimp. Crimp the crimp to the wire, keeping the wire tight around the wire thimble.
c. Push the pulley back into the mast. Use a Phillips screw driver and a crescent to bolt the ‘“P”
fitting’ to the mast.
Step 13
a. Use a long skinny pole to push the ‘winder drum’ from the top of the mast downwards. Push
the ‘winder drum’ until the square slot for the gear shaft is visible.
b. Reinsert the gear shaft into the slot and use a 4mm allen key to fix the bolt to the gear
c. Push black button onto brass plug.
d. Use a 5mm Allen key to reattach the winder cover to the mast.

Step 14
a. Reattach ‘mast cap’ to the mast with a Phillips screwdriver.
b. Pull the wire tight from the the end connected to the spool, make sure the umbrella is
pressed up against the mast as to allow the most wire possible to be pulled out.
c. Cut the wire roughly 50mm below the ‘tube locater’ (When the tube locater is inline with its
place in the ‘bottom hub’. It should look the same as the image.
d. Slide a 3mm crimp onto the wire and loop the wire on itself. Do not waste any length of wire
while crimping. Crimp the wire into place.
e. Use a 5mm Allen key to fasten the ‘tube locater’ onto the bottom hub.
f. Place umbrella on spigot and redress the canopy with clean hands.