How to Repair Stabiliser bar end (To Main Post)
To fix the stabilizer bars you can follow the steps bellow...
First you will need to remove the locking wire
from the thread that holds all the pieces together.
If you get a grip of one of the legs with a set of plyers, you can rotate the handle to straighten it out.
This will break down all the parts, use the photo below to help you to put it back together.
Drill out the rivet with a 5mm drill, if it doesn't fall out give it a tap with a hammer and centre punch or large nail and it will fall inwards and out the end.
Remove the broken black nylon end (not
broken in the photo) and it will reveal the hole in the aluminium.
Install the new part and push it down all the
way and mark underneath with a pencil. Remove the part and drill a 5mm hole
one side only on the seam that can be seen in the plastic that lines up with the hole in the aluminium.
Rivet the new part to the aluminium rod
with the supplied rivet and use the photo above to re-assemble the stabilizer